Mary Corbet returns for another fun discussion about all things stitching. This time we talk about the history of Needle ‘n Thread, Mary’s new studio, her upcoming youth class schedule, traveling with needlework, quick-finishing techniques, thimbles, coloring books, and a few other topics. It’s always a treat to talk with Mary. Don’t miss this one.–Gary and Christine
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We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Mary Corbet. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary and Christine
I enjoyed your discussion about old needlepoints and the hours of work involved, only to be binned later. At a recent textile exhibition here in South Australia, there was an item on display being a jacket that had been constructed with old needlepoints done in wool and on canvas. Many were florals or representations of famous paintings. The item seemed to garner a lot of interest. Pinterest also has examples of stools that have been re-covered using old pieces of needlepoint. So perhaps when thrift shopping for frames, the inners can be repurposed not ditched.
First, thanks for listening. I, too, have seen examples of repurposed needlepoint. I’ve not seen clothing made with old needlepoint. A good idea and would make a durable “fabric.”