Learn how to finish ornaments in this live show from Vonna’s finishing cave. The show is sponsored by Lady Dot Creates and Sassy Jacks Stitchery. For more finishing tips and tutorials, visit Vonna’s website at https://thetwistedstitcher.blogspot.com.
Sassy Jacks Stitchery: https://www.sassyjacksstitchery.com
Lady Dot Creates: https://www.ladydotcreates.com
Month: February 2020
Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 2-26-20

Listen to the podcast:
The show is also available on FlossTube. Click here.

To help raise money, Fiber Talk is conducting a drawing of six gift certificates. Donate at least $10 toward the purchase of Mary Orr. After you donate, send an email to Vonna at [email protected]. We’ll use the honor system for contributions. Contributions must be made by midnight Eastern time, March 14. The drawing will be held March 15. The certificates will be for our sponsors. One each $50 certificate to Sassy Jacks and The Attic, and four $25 certificates to Fire Poppies, Needle in a Haystack, Shepherd’s Needle, and Stitchy Box.
Here are some links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Nashville 2020 introductions
- The Twisted Stitcher website
- Modern Folk Embroidery website
I hope you enjoy this show. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
To add yourself to our mailing list and be notified whenever we post a new podcast, provide your name and email address below. You won’t get spam and we won’t share your address.
Fiber Talk with Candice Williams

Candice Williams is our guest this week and the show is sponsored by Fire Poppies Needlework Boutique. Candice is the sister of Kimberly Ann Carter and new owner of Kimberly Ann Needlepoint. Kimberly passed away this past November, leaving behind a family and a growing painted-canvas needlepoint business. Candice didn’t want that business to go away so she combined her artistic talents and willingness to learn needlepoint (she’s now addicted) to keep the business growing. In this week’s conversation we learn about her rapid movement through a somewhat steep learning curve that has generated excitement for needlepoint and all that the needle arts have to offer. Candice is an exciting new addition to the needlepoint world and it will be fun to see her art expressed through canvas.–Gary
Listen to the podcast:
This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podbay, and Podbean. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.
Here are some Kimberly Ann Needlepoint links:

Fiber Talk Friday Night Live, 2-21-20
We’re back for another Friday Night Live show with our guest Beth Ellicott who blows us away with some stunning stitching. Be sure to check out the weekend special offered by our sponsor, Stitchy Box and while you’re at FiberTalk.stitchybox.com, be sure to check out their line of reproduction samplers. Look below for information about how to contribute to Stitch Sainte Luce Womens’ Embroidery Cooperative, and the Dr. Allen gift of Mary Orr 1831.–Vonna and Gary
Stitch Sainte Luce directions: Follow these mailing instructions if you want to contribute needles or DMC floss to the Stitch Sainte Luce Womens’ Cooperative: –Include full name and address of the recipient: Rebecca Dallimore, Studio 7, 1a Beethoven Street, London, W10 4LG, United Kingdom. –Include telephone number of recipient in case contact is required: +44 7758 810985 –Mark the parcel as a gift. –Mark the value at less than $15 USD (even if it is not). –Mark the contents clearly e.g. ‘Embroidery threads.’ –Stick the customs form clearly on the front of the parcel. –Write your name, address, and phone number on the back of the parcel If you have any questions on how to do any of it, email Rebecca at [email protected]
Dr. Gloria Seaman Allen give of Mary Orr 1831: To contribute, send a check payable to Winterthur Museum to Ms. Linda Eaton, Director of Collections and Senior Curator of Textiles, 5101 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE 19735 or, to contribute with credit card payment, follow this link: http://inside.winterthur.org/give. After selecting a donation amount, set the “Designation” to “Other” and enter “To honor Gloria”. To help raise money, Fiber Talk is conducting a drawing of six gift certificates. Donate at least $10 toward the purchase of Mary Orr. After you donate, send an email to Vonna at [email protected]. We’ll use the honor system for contributions. Contributions must be made by midnight Eastern time, March 14. The drawing will be held March 15. The certificates will be for our sponsors. One $100 certificate to Sassy Jacks ($50 matched by Kim), one $50 certificate to the Attic, and and four $25 certificates to Fire Poppies, Needle in a Haystack, Shepherd’s Needle, and Stitchy Box.
To add yourself to our mailing list and be notified whenever we post a new podcast, provide your name and email address below. You won’t get spam and we won’t share your address.
Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 2-19-20

Fire Poppies is sponsoring this week’s chat between Arlene and Gary. Topics include upcoming Fiber Talk activities, Arlene’s Kurdy Biggs interpretation, keeping threads and needlework clean, old-thread integrity, when stitching becomes a chore, and Arlene’s Nashville 2020 introductions.

This podcast is accompanied by a special video we made in which we talk in-depth about Arlene’s four Nashville Market designs. That video can be seen on the Fiber Talk website page for this podcast, i.e., below, or on our YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy the Midweek Chat and the special video about Arlene’s designs. Also, please support our new sponsor, Fire Poppies–Arlene and Gary
Listen to the podcast:
This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.
Enjoy this video discussion of Arlene’s new designs
Here are some links:
I hope you enjoy this show. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
To add yourself to our mailing list and be notified whenever we post a new podcast, provide your name and email address below. You won’t get spam and we won’t share your address.