Hanny Newton of Hanny Newton Embroidery is our guest this week. The show is sponsored by the Embroiderers Guild of America (egausa.org). Hanny is an extremely talented and creative goldwork artist and teacher. Her concept and manipulation of lines is captivating, as is her sculptural goldwork technique. Hanny has a very different approach and it was fun to learn how she converts the art in her head to couched metal threads. She also conducts a variety of workshops in some unique settings, including the Scour Forge Mill Needle Museum where John James needles were once made. We’re confident you will enjoy the conversation as much as we did and encourage you to visit Hanny’s website and watch her videos.–Beth and Gary
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We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Hanny Newton. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary
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