This week, the show is sponsored by Avlea Folk Embroidery and Sassy Jacks Stitchery. Our guest is Linda Hadden of The Sampler Guild, a UK-based organization devoted to sampler history research. Linda, Jacob de Graaf of Modern Folk Embroidery, and Ruth Taylor of Crows Feet Stitching are the nucleus of this global organization, started in 2001. While they are committed to promoting samplers in general, their focus these days is researching the history behind samplers, particularly the various motifs and their origins, meanings, and travels throughout the world. Their most-recent research paper is “Solomon’s Porch,” a study of an interesting building motif that first appeared in the 1730s. The design, and its variations, has an interesting history. While research is ongoing, the Guild’s early findings are reported in a paper that is available on the Guild’s website. They have several other projects in the works and are always looking for information/input. To get involved, join the Guild so you can participate in their online meetings and email exchanges. Linda, Jacob, and Ruth are doing important work that is opening doors to our understanding of samplers and the roles they played in documenting history. We hope you enjoy the show and encourage you to visit the Guild website and become a member.–Gary
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Here are some links:
- Avlea Folk Embroidery website
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- The Sampler Guild website
- The Sampler Guild on Instagram
- The Sampler Guild on Facebook
- Solomon’s Porch research paper