It’s a Wednesday so we’re chatting about needlework. Topics this week include our upcoming May 5 show about the work done by the Royal School of Needlework to provide embroidered pieces for the Coronation, needle case kits from Tanja Berlin of Berlin Embroidery, Mary Corbet, museums, Wintertur, goldwork, blackwork, and making linen and specialty threads. You also might enjoy a book Cindy is reading: “Nuts & Bolts” by Roma Arawal. Note that there will be no new show Sunday, April 28. We’ll be back on schedule with a new Stitch Hour Wednesday, May 1.–Cindy and Gary
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Here are some links:
- Berlin Embroidery
- Nut & Bolts book
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- EGA website
- CyberPointers website
- Avlea Folk Embroidery website
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Hi Gary and Cindy,
istening to your talk about historic embroidery in Europe, I highly recommend reading the novel “A Single Thread” by Tracy Chevalier. It’s about the Broderers’ Guild in Winchester, England, under the artistic direction of Louisa Pesel (they all really existed) – 160 women who embroidered kneelers, bench cushions, alm bags etc. for the Winchester Cathedral (which, incidentally, also contains Jane Austen’s tomb). They were done in … canvas work – talk about needlepoint! 🙂 Another subject of the novel is the art of English church bell ringing – utterly complicated, very interesting.
Whether it’s quilting, millinery (both in “The Last Runaway” about an English Quaker come to Ohio in 1850 who helps a black slave escape on the Underground Railroad) or tapestry weaving (“The Lady and the Unicorn”), Tracy explains all these needlework techniques down to the smallest detail. And she writes beautifully. It’s a real pleasure to delve into her needleart-heavy historic novels which are largely based on facts.
The embroidered cushions in the Winchester Cathedral are still in use today. You can see a few of them here: