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Fiber Talk with Emilie Odeile and Ken Chapin

“Goodnight Moon” needle art diorama by Dundee & Lee.
“Goodnight Moon,” the beloved children’s story by Margaret Wise Brown, is the focus of this week’s textile arts exploration with Emilie Dundee Odeile and Ken Lee Chapin of Dundee & Lee. The story of how Emilie and Ken met from across the country and formed a partnership and company to create outstanding needle art displays is straight out of a Hollywood movie script. Their signature piece, so far, is the life-sized diorama, “Goodnight Moon, A Fiber Tale,” which was constructed with 152 miles of yarn and nearly 6 million stitches. It’s a stunning piece that has already been admired by thousands of lovers of needle arts and the book. But the real story is how these impressive, creative artists are making their visions become reality and available for the public to enjoy. Be sure to visit their website and watch the videos on YouTube to thoroughly enjoy their work. For lovers of “Goodnight Moon,” their video of the reading by Jason and Jett using animation of the diorama will bring back childhood memories.–Gary

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This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

“Frog” is a Dundee & Lee creation of sympathy for needleworkers of all types who experience that dreaded moment when perfectly good stitching has to be undone.
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Here are some Dundee & Lee links:

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Emilie and Ken. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary

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