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Fiber Talk Mid-Week Chat, 5-10-17

Angsty teens is one of this week’s mid-week-chat topics.

It’s the middle of the week and we decided we wanted to get together and talk about needlework. It’s an hour of us yakking at each other about Coni Rich, our Tess and Thorn conversation, Nicola Parkman and reproduction samplers, Gary’s stocking project and cross stitching, Christine’s early needlepoint experiences, Mary Corbet and linen quality, Gay Ann Roger’s new design, Shepherd’s Bush stockings, and Arlene Cohen’s Flosstube videos. We hope you enjoy our ramblings.–Gary and Christine

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Fiber Talk with Nicola Parkman

The Sarah Borton 1815 reproduction from Hands Across The Sea Samplers.

Antique reproduction samplers are the subject this week and our guest is Nicola Parkman of Hands Across The Sea Samplers. We had a terrific time talking with Nicola about how she acquires samplers, the reproductions her company produces, how she researches the history of the girls who created the originals, and the interesting stories behind the samplers. We also talked about her global company, the beautiful charts they produce, and Sarah Borton 1815, the latest chart from Hands Across The Sea Samplers. It was an absolute treat to talk with Nicola. –Christine and Gary

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The original Sarah Borton sampler.

We hope you enjoy this week’s Fiber Talk show. You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podbay, and Podbean. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Follow Nicola and her Hands Across the Sea Samplers partners and communicate with them through their online channels:

Nicola’s Recommendations
At the end of the show, Nicola offered a recommendation and some thoughts. Those are below, along with the link to the pin-stitch video Gary mentioned:

“Just remember when looking at larger and more “complicated” samplers that they are not “hard”, they are just big, and just like the longest journey that begins with a single step, so does the largest sampler begin with a single stitch. Those different stitches begin the same way, by sticking the needle first in, then out, of the fabric. Only difference between one type of stitch and the other is where you put that needle and how you manipulate the thread. Think of each band as a mini sampler”

“I do believe that all things are possible if you believe in yourself and are prepared to try.”

“Remember those young girls working on their samplers they were not only learning stitches and patterns but perseverance!!”

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Nicola Parkman. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary and Christine

Sarah Borton detail.

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Fiber Talk with Theresa Baird

The hummingbird piece Theresa’s mother stitched for her.

Joining us this week is Theresa Baird of Heart’s Ease Examplar Workes. Theresa designs cross-stitch samplers that are inspired by antique samplers. She had her first rudimentary needlework lessons at the feet of the skilled neighborhood ladies who brought their crocheting, embroidery and stitching projects outside in the summer and let her watch and learn from them. It planted the seed that throughout the years has grown and shaped Theresa into the designer she is today. “I, most humbly, have been blessed with the God-given talent for art, and though I am not formally trained, I’ve expanded that talent through practice, books, classes, exhibitions, sharing and demonstration.” We had a terrific conversation with Theresa and learned a lot about antique samplers and sampler design.
–Christine and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

We hope you enjoy this week’s Fiber Talk show. You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podbay, and Podbean. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Theresa’s Cincinnati sampler.

Connect with Theresa at her website and on Pinterest and explore various other sampler links she provided:

Another sampler designed by Theresa Baird.

Books Theresa recommends:

  • Ohio is my Dwelling Place by Sue Studebaker
  • Girlhood Embroidery: American Samplers & Pictorial Needlework, 1650-1850 (Two Volumes) by Betty Ring
  •  Imitation and Improvement: The Norfolk Sampler Tradition 2013 by Joanne Martin Lukacher
  • Samplers Nov 26, 1987 by Averil Colby
  •  Samplers from the V&A Museum Oct 8, 2003 by Clare Browne and Jennifer Wearden
  • A Maryland Sampling: Girlhood Embroidery 1738–1860 Aug 2, 2007; Columbia’s Daughters: Girlhood Embroidery from the District of ColumbiaMay 15, 2013 by Gloria Seaman Allen
  • Women’s Work: Embroidery in Colonial Boston by Pamela Parmal
  • Connecticut Needlework: Women, Art, and Family, 1740-1840 by Susan P. Schoelwer

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Theresa Baird. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary and Christine