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Fiber Talk with the Eye Doctor

“Steampunk” glasses are a big help when specifying stitching glasses.
Lined tri-focals with an 8×35 magnification area are recommended for stitching glasses.
Kelly Lea Teske joins Gary this week to talk about Gary’s trip to the eye doctor to get new everyday glasses and lined-trifocal stitching glasses. In a show we did on April 6, 2024, we talked with Kelly about how stitchers should approach an eye doctor visit with the intention of getting glasses that will help with stitching. Gary followed Kelly’s advice and had an excellent experience with two of the three professionals involved. He had to stick to his guns when it came to actually specifying and purchasing the glasses, but it worked out. In this week’s show, we take you through the experience so you can be better informed the next time you visit the eye doctor. Huge thanks to Kelly for making time on short notice to do the show. Also note that Kelly is doing two talks at the Great Wisconsin Quilt show, Sept. 5 to 7 in Madison, WI. Go to to get all of the details.–Kelly and Gary

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Hear Kelly Lea Teske’s talks at the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show, Sept. 5 to 7,
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