Moving day is tomorrow. We’ll be in our new place Wednesday and Fiber Talk will be back to our regular full schedule Wednesday, June 16 with Gary and Beth doing the podcast and Carrie Noess demonstrating needle lace during the Stitch Hour. This week, enjoy an encore presentation of the conversation Gary had with the remarkable Jenny Adin-Christie. Since we recorded the conversation, she’s done some amazing needlework. Follow her on Instagram to see some of it.
Here’s the original podcast: This week I’m joined by Jenny Adin-Christie. She is a graduate of the Royal School of Needlework and a veteran teacher at the school. Her primary needlework efforts these days involve creating her own designs and teaching all over the world, along with regular classes in her own studio. She also is a regular contributor to Inspirations magazine. Most of her work involves various combinations of whitework, stumpwork, and goldwork. Enjoy my conversation with one of the standout talents in the needle-arts community.–Gary
Listen to the podcast:
This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

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Here are some Jenny Adin-Christie links:
I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Jenny Adin-Christie. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary

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