We’ve survived another week so we decided to talk about needlework. This week, Beth and Gary discuss the EGA and the Virtual Lecture series, Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo’s book tour, Inspirations magazine, the new Avlea pillow designs, the Cheryl Lennox art-quilt exhibit, maximizing time, battling allergies, and skills only a mother can have. Join us tonight for the Fiber Talk Stitch Hour. Our guest will be Michelle Anais Morgan. We’ll meet her and spend some time talking about her needle art. If you can, listen to the Oct. 9 podcast with Michelle to get some background. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel. We always have a great time and frequently learn something. Sunday’s guest: Ruth Norbury–Beth and Gary
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Here are some links:
- Gay Ann Rogers website
- Needle in a Haystack website
- Avlea Folk Embroidery website
- EGA website
- Inspirations magazine website
We hope you enjoy the show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
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