This week’s show is sponsored by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (egausa.org) and our guest is Natalia Frank of Natalia’s Fine Needlework. We had an eye-opening experience talking with Natalia about needlework used to decorate dollhouses and other miniature displays, petit point stitching, working with high-thread-count silk gauze, needles and thread used to make such small and detailed pieces, and the amazing things miniatures artists do with a variety of needle and thread techniques. We also learn about extreme hand care techniques used to prevent very fine silk thread from snagging. It’s a very different world of original and reproduction needlework and will make you think about dollhouses in a very different way. Thanks to our sponsor, EGA. Register soon for the upcoming EGA National Seminar, Broadway Bound.–Beth and Gary
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Here are some Natalia Frank links:
- EGA website
- Natalia Frank’s website
- Natalia Frank on Facebook
- Dollhouse Miniatures and Needlework Group on Facebook
We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Natalia Frank. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary
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