Danielle Clough describes herself as an accidental professional and her path to making a living with her embroidery is varied, interesting, and based on the constant willingness to “play.” This week’s show is sponsored by Stitchville USA and the Embroiderers’ Guild of America. If you explore Danielle’s work, you’ll discover that, to her, ground cloth is basically anything that will hold thread. She can create beautiful needle art on tennis rackets, tennis shoes, wire mesh, and other materials, many of which she finds during her trips the local junkyard. The wide variety of art she creates is rather stunning, but her portraits, particularly of celebrities, are standout works. It’s a terrific conversation with a talented, cutting-edge needle artist. Also, be sure to investigate her upcoming class on Skillshare.–Gary
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Here are some links:
- Stitchville USA website
- EGA website
- Danielle Clough’s website
- Danielle Clough on Facebook
- Danielle Clough on Instagram
I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Danielle Clough. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary
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