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Fiber Talk Mid-Week Chat, 5-10-17

Angsty teens is one of this week’s mid-week-chat topics.

It’s the middle of the week and we decided we wanted to get together and talk about needlework. It’s an hour of us yakking at each other about Coni Rich, our Tess and Thorn conversation, Nicola Parkman and reproduction samplers, Gary’s stocking project and cross stitching, Christine’s early needlepoint experiences, Mary Corbet and linen quality, Gay Ann Roger’s new design, Shepherd’s Bush stockings, and Arlene Cohen’s Flosstube videos. We hope you enjoy our ramblings.–Gary and Christine

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8 thoughts on “Fiber Talk Mid-Week Chat, 5-10-17

  1. I enjoyed the podcast. Since I turned 40, I have used magnifying lamps (I have three on stands + 1 table top) for needlepoint, cross-stitch, and knitting. I also use a flat iron for almost all needlepoint threads. Keep the temp on low. Turn it on for ironing the current threads, make one or two passes with iron on a thread (s) and then turn it off. Laying tool is used for almost all stitches. I am much more pleased with my work. Keep up the good work on the podcast!

  2. I enjoyed your podcast, thanks for the compliments for my Eleanor of Aquitaine.

    Where is the URL to help Coni Rich?
    Thanks for the help.

    1. You’re more than welcome and thanks for listening.

  3. Gary — thank you so much for the shout-out for the YouCaring campaign for Coni. I set what I thought was a “stretch goal” of $5,000, and now we are approaching $23,000! Coni’s little dog Stewey’s birthday would be on Saturday, May 13; the campaign will wind up with a final push of “a candle for Stewey’s birthday” on Saturday.

    Anyone who does not want to donate by credit or debit card can e-mail me for Coni’s snail mail address.
    fletchersj (at)

    Thanks again.

  4. I’m so glad you added the mid-week chat episodes! Thank you for sharing a little bit more about your personal thoughts and experience in needle crafts. Have you thought about starting a group on Ravelry?

    1. Cindi,
      Thanks for listening and we’re glad you’re enjoying the mid-week shows. We have fun doing them. I believe Christine started something on Ravelry. I’ll check and we’ll post a link.

  5. Listening to your first mid-week chat and love it!! That was me you were talking about the birch disk ornaments! The patterns are anything like blackwork so the front and back are the same. I try to keep them simple because drilling the holes gets a bit tedious. Love your podcasts! I’ve been catching up during a rather mundane project at work!

    1. Sarah,
      Thanks for listening. Glad you’re enjoying the shows. I think your ornaments are very creative. No, I’m not volunteering to help drill holes for future creations. 😉

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