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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 11-6-19

The Twisted Stitcher finished this.

We have climbed the hill toward the weekend, Sassy Jacks is sponsoring, and Vonna and Gary are chatting. This week we talk about our Instagram Live plans; an excellent charity auction; Gary’s fanny stand; Vonna’s retreat weekend (watch the Instagram Live video below), sponsored by Cross My Heart LTD; stitching SaraB, the Queen’s Sampler, and banding samplers; and our 2020 Agnus Dei SAL. Sunday’s guest is Clare Hunter, author of the book Threads of Life.–Vonna and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

The show is also available on FlossTube. Click here.

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Instagram Live show from the retreat Vonna attended.

I hope you enjoy this show. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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8 thoughts on “Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 11-6-19

  1. Interesting to hear your observations about glasses; I’m very near-sighted (about -8) but until a few years ago could do very fine embroidery with my ordinary glasses by the light of an ordinary standard lamp. No more, alas! For various reasons bifocals weren’t right for me, so I wanted extra strong reading glasses. The shop didn’t want to make them stronger than my prescription. Then I had to see an eye specialist for a separate reason and decided to ask him if it was OK to have much stronger reading glasses. He said “you get glasses that are right for the thing that you need them for” – if it’s for embroidery, take your embroidery to the opticians and check various strengths of lenses to see which works when you’re doing your usual needlework at the usual distance. As Vonna said, it won’t “ruin your eyes”. I asked him whether I should take the glasses off ever half hour or so, perhaps, but he said no unless my eyes started to feel tired. So now I’ve got prescription glasses with an extra +4 reading component in them, and I love them! It does take a little time to re-focus after taking them off and putting my normal glasses back on, but that’s worth it.

  2. Not inexpensive, but I am saving up for these magnifiers:

    Arguably the “Cadillac” of magnifiers.

    These folks might be interesting to have as a show guest.

    1. Thanks. Yes those are pricey but everyone I’ve talked to who used them is very happy. Thanks for listening.

  3. Hi i love listen and the intergram was very interested , i like to to ask why the posting are on Vonna screen.
    Thank for the postcast

    1. Donna,
      I don’t know what you mean by “posting are on Vonna screen.” Thanks for listening.

      1. It just people name on left side but i was curious
        You have safe trip , going to listen to nov, 10 next
        Thanks again for answering me

        1. Now I understand. Those are the people who are watching/commenting/have questions during the live show. No way to strip those out when I copy and post the video. Hope you enjoy the conversation with Clare Hunter. Definitely read her book. It’s very good.

          1. Thank for answer me so quite , i was just curious about it
            It was great enjoy the live ones me and sister and nephew when to Asheville for the weekend and visit sassy jack and got my mermaid by nora Corbett Mirabilia and got her not book for my notes
            Have a great trip

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