Nicola Jarvis of Nicola Jarvis Studio is our guest this week. The show is sponsored by the Embroiderers Guild of America and Needle in a Haystack. Nicola Jarvis is a brilliant needlework artist who is highly skilled with several techniques. She is a Royal School of Needlework graduate, RSN teacher and program developer, worked in the fashion industry, developed well-know exhibitions with William and May Morris, and now owns her own designing and teaching studio.

Throughout her 30+-year career she has drawn from her various experiences to to become one of the world’s leading needlework artists. As you’ll hear, her enthusiasm for her art is absolutely energizing.–Gary
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Here are some Nicola Jarvis links:
- Embroiderers Guild of America website
- Needle in a Haystack website
- Nicola Jarvis Studio website
- Nicola Jarvis Studio on Instagram
I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Nicola Jarvis. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary
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