As a needleworker, Jane Dunnewold doesn’t fit in any clear-cut technique category. Where she does fit is in that group of textile artists who will use just about any material or technique to express a vision. To some degree, her needlework pales in comparison to her contributions as an educator. In this week’s show, sponsored by Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery (, we have the pleasure of discussing Jane’s needlework endeavors and digging deep into her educational efforts, particularly her work focused on helping people identify and develop their creative skills through her Creative Strength Training program. Be sure to enjoy her new Facebook Live series, “The Cornerstones of Creativity.” It airs every Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern on her Facebook Channel. We hope this week’s conversation gets your creative juices flowing.–Gary and Beth
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Here are some Jane Dunnewold links:
- Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery website
- Jane Dunnewold website
- Jane Dunnewold on Instagram
- Jane Dunnewold on Facebook
- Jane Dunnewold on YouTube