Emillie Ferris is a young, talented embroidery artist who started as a raw beginner eight years ago. To generate income, she taught herself to needle paint doing commissioned pet portraits. Today she is actively developing a design business that currently features a project on the cover of “Inspirations” magazine and a new class on the Domestika platform (wetalkfiber.com/ferris). Our conversation was a delightful exploration of her rapid growth in the needlework hobby. If you’re interested in participating in her new Domestika class, sign up at wetalkfiber.com/ferris and join us for a special live show with Emillie, Feb. 21 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel.–Gary

This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.
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Enjoy the recording of the live show we did with Emillie:
Here are some Emillie Ferris links links:
- Emillie Ferris website
- Emillie Ferris on Instagram
- Emillie Ferris on Facebook
- Emillie Ferris on Domestika