Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery is sponsoring this week’s show with Cindy Lee Gershin. The objective of the show is to provide needleworkers with insights from a veteran needlework judge. You’ll learn what matters and doesn’t matter when judges evaluate needlework, common errors/flaws, and how to evaluate your finished work to reduce the chance that you missed something. We also talk about finishing projects and discuss that well-worn topic of glass or no glass. As a companion to this podcast, Cindy will join us for the July 28 Stitch Hour to show examples of good and flawed needlework and to answer your questions. Join us at 8:00 p.m. on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel to learn more about how to improve your needlework.–Gary
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I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Cindy Gershin. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary
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