This week’s Fiber Talk guest is Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo. The show is sponsored by Sassy Jacks Stitchery and the Embroiderers’ Guild of America. The focus of our conversation is Leslie’s upcoming book, “Threads of Awakening.” The book tells the story of how Leslie became part of Tibetan culture, studied Buddhism, and the apprenticeship that taught her how to make thangkas. The spiritual and symbolic meaning of thangkas and how they are created is eye-opening for anyone who has worked with needle and thread. Leslie’s book will be available Aug. 23, 2022, and can be pre-ordered wherever you purchase books. She will also join us for the Fiber Talk Stitch Hour, Wednesday, July 27, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel. We’ll explore some of the thangkas Leslie has made and she will demonstrate some of the techniques she learned during her years as an apprentice. We know you will enjoy the shows and encourage you to purchase the book.–Beth and Gary
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Fiber Talk Stitch Hour show with Leslie:
Here are some Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- EGA website
- Threads of Awakening website
- Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo on Instagram
- Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo on Facebook
- Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo on Vimeo
We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary