Our subject this week is reproduction samplers, specifically those produced by our guest, Rae Niles of Red Barn Samplers. Sassy Jacks Stitchery is sponsoring this week’s show and Kim’s shop is your source for Rae’s charts and the linen and thread you need to stitch them. In our conversation, we learn about the red barn that is behind the logo, the fascinating story of how Rae acquired a treasure trove of beautiful original samplers, and how she is making the most of “funtirement” to pursue her passion and make those samplers available to needleworkers. She’s early on in her sampler reproduction effort so there is a long parade of samplers yet to come. Rae also offers a unique solution for storing/displaying your embroidery hoops. Also, be sure to follow her on social media and make a point to enjoy her Flosstube videos. This is a sampler reproduction artist to watch carefully because she’s likely to make significant contributions to the sampler world in the coming years.–Beth and Gary
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Here are some links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Red Barn Samplers website
- Red Barn Samplers on Facebook
- Red Barn Samplers on Instagram
- Red Barn Samplers on Flosstube