We’ve arrived, once again, at that day that falls in the middle of the week and we’re offering up more stitching chat. Among this week’s topics are Gary and his Anasazi Song project, Michelle Garrette’s Alzheimer’s Awareness fund raising, Nicola Parkman’s sampler history story, beginning and ending threads, and Christine’s fabric-dying efforts. Sunday’s guest: Carole Lake–Gary and Christine
Listen to the podcast:
The podcast is also available on FlossTube.
Here are some links:
- Jane Wood’s Chilly Hollow Blog post on beginning and ending stitches
- Debbie Rowley’s video on beginning and ending stitches
- Carole Lake’s StitchPlay Designs website, source for Anasazi designs
- Heather, the Imperfectly Perfect Stitcher Etsy shop
- Sarah Braizear 1829 SAL Facebook page
- Sarah Braizear model tour with Jean Lea
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Hands Across the Sea Samplers website
- The Attic Needlework website