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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 12-18-19

Big Foot is real!! Momentous sighting captured by Doug, the Floss Jedi, and verified by Vicki, Ixstitch.
It’s the third day after Sunday, Sassy Jacks is the sponsor, and Gary and Vonna are the chatters. The subjects include our Friday Night Live shows; recent videos; favorite podcasts; a book suggestion from Gary; Vonna’s dreams; Vonna’s Big Foot obsession and a visit from the elusive one, captured by Doug, the Floss Jedi, and our 2020 stitching plans. 2020 could be the year in which Vonna does a Walnetto stitch. That will make Jean Hilton roll over in her grave! We hope you enjoy the show and invite you to join us on YouTube for our Friday Night Live show.–Vonna and Gary

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