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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 2-5-25

Gary’s progress on Lady Mary’s Geometric by Gay Ann Rogers.
Find all of the registration details for the Fiber Talk retreat at
Wednesday is a favorite because we get to talk about needlework. In this week’s show we remember Jean Lea, talk about a Valentine’s Day registration offer for the Fiber Talk Needle Arts retreat, discuss our attempts to stitch every day and what projects are in the rotation, look at some casket stitching, enjoy some Gay Ann Rogers design work, and talk about upcoming Patreon page projects. Send in your questions for our upcoming how-to shows. Also, be sure to register soon for the Fiber Talk retreat, March 21 to 23 in St. Louis. Registration is available for the entire weekend or Saturday only at Sunday’s guest: Amy Jones–Beth and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

One of Beth’s current projects is this pear from the Inspirations Blakiston Creamery book.
You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify, Audible, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, Podbay, Podbean, and many other podcast sources. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

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We hope you enjoy the show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 11-1-23

Glitter & Gogh: Etude of The Starry Night by Natalie Dupuis.
Yet another Wednesday has arrived and Beth and Gary have gathered to converse. Our topics include Beth’s new goldwork addiction (“I don’t do goldwork.”), Clara Warschauer’s role in addicting Beth, Gary’s goldwork plans, having respect for copyrights, Lisa Call’s art and her approach to design, Beth dusting off her casket project, tackling lots of WIPs, and dealing with stash when stitchers pass away. Overrated/underrated topics are seam rippers, stretcher bar tacks, and stitching calendars. Join us next Wednesday, Nov. 8, on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel for a Stitch Hour show. Watch later this week on the YouTube channel for long WIP parade of Beth’s projects. It’ll be live at 2:00 Eastern Thursday, Nov. 2. Join us then or watch the recording. Sunday’s guest is Jamie Chalmers, Mr. X Stitch–Beth and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Beth’s goldwork frog, designed by Clara Warschauer.
You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Podbay, Podbean, and many other podcast sources. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Here are some links:

We hope you enjoy the show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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