Our conversation this week with the talented and versatile Tracy Franklin is sponsored by Sassy Jacks Stitchery (sassyjacksstitchery.com) and Avlea Folk Embroidery (avleaembroidery.com). Tracy is a graduate of the Royal School of Needlework, where she spent 10 years teaching and coordinating before starting her own business. She still teaches for the RSN in Durham while developing her own designs and teaching live and online classes. In our conversation, we learn about her early years in the costume-making industry, the many things she learned at the RSN, her design approach, the dynamic artist community in which she works, and her role as Head Broderer at the Durham Cathedral, a World Heritage Site. Be sure to visit Tracy’s website and explore the Durham Cathedral website.–Beth and Gary
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Here are some Tracy Franklin links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Avlea Folk Embroidery website
- Tracy Franklin’s website
- Tracy Franklin on Facebook
- Tracy Franklin’s on Instagram
- Durham Cathedral Broderers on Instagram
- Durham Cathedral Broderers on Facebook
- RSN Durham on Instagram
We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Tracy Franklin. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary