It’s Wednesday, Jenifer has returned from her hiatus, and we gathered for a needlework conversation. This week’s topics include what’s planned for the Fiber Talk 500th Show celebration. Lots of guests, giveaways, and general needlework fun will start at 2:00 p.m. Eastern, Sunday, May 29, on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel. Listen to this podcast to learn how to enter yourself for the drawings. We also talk about an upcoming project we’re doing with Gay Ann Rogers. Then we get to hear about Jenifer’s trip and the time she spent with her family of “makers.” We’re also treated to a verbal tour of Jenifer’s visit to A Stitching Shop in Denver. If you’re in the area, it’s clearly a shop to visit. Join us tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern for the Fiber Talk Stitch Hour. This week Beth will show us the beautiful fabric prints she’s been making and take us through the process she uses.–Jenifer and Gary
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