The holiday break is over and we’re rested and refreshed and ready for more stitching chat. This week’s topics include Gary’s efforts to chart a new verse for a sampler with StitchSketch and dress a slate frame, our initial WIPGO experiences, Beth Lindsay’s Mood Stitcher approach, Avlea meditative designs, 2021 stitching accomplishments, an update on Samplers magazine, the Orna Willis Nomi’s Dragon class, and some Christmas gifts. The Fiber Talk Stitch Hour returns tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel. Join us for the fun as we get a new year of stitching started. Sunday’s guest: Jude Kingshott–Beth and Gary
Listen to the podcast:
This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.
Here are some links:
- The Unbroken Thread website
- Orna Willis’ Nomi’s Dragon class
- Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery website
We hope you enjoy this show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
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