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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 9-20-23

Beth’s progress on the Susan Schlitcher 1845 sampler from Queenstown Sampler Designs.

It’s the day after Tuesday and Gary and Beth gathered to discuss our favorite subject. This week’s topics include the Sassy Jack’s September Soiree, EGA Virtual Lectures, samplers and other things we’re stitching, Clara Warschauer projects, and potentially ending our Not One More Thing effort. Overrated/underrated items include EGA Virtual Lectures, ort bowls, artist tape, giving needlework as a gift, and tension. Sunday’s guest is counted-canvas designer Sue Reed.–Beth and Gary

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Are ort bowls overrated or underrated and is Gary’s collection ridiculous?

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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 8-7-19

Debbie Rowley’s Glitz and Glamour Carnelian design.
It’s that day that starts with a W and this week’s chatters are Gary and Debbie Rowley. Topics include working with metallic threads (Thanks for the tips, Debbie), needlework as gifts, needles, and a few stories. Remember to save 15% at Sassy Jacks on sampler kits we mentioned on our two most-recent Sampler Sunday shows and send your Quaker sampler suggestions to Gary or Vonna by Sept. 1. Sunday’s guest is Alison Cole.–Gary

Listen to the podcast:

The podcast is also available on FlossTube.

Debbie Rowley’s Shanondoah Spring design.
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I hope you enjoy this show. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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