It’s the day before Thursday and Arlene and Gary gather to play a game of You Have to Choose. In the game we choose our preferences for needlework technique, thread type, color we like, color we don’t like, and offer two tips we share with anyone, anytime. We also get to hear about two of Gary’s childhood traumatic experiences. It’s a revealing show. Sunday is Sampler Sunday II and it’s a video show.–Gary
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Garry I’ve just been listening to your recent podcast with Arlene where you are talking about being left handed and had trouble writing. I had to use a fountain pen at school and had terrible smudge problems. I adapted and I actually hold my hand with the pen pointing back towards my shoulder like it should but my page is turned sideways. If I turn my page the correct way, I actually write downwards from the top of the page to the bottom instead of from side to side. I was always in trouble because my writing slanted backwards lol.
Oh by the way I was me that suggested the sulky to you. I’m glad you like it.
So Gary and Arlene, on the counted canvas vs. all other techniques….can’t you do the same things on linen that you can do on canvas? I haven’t done a lot of counted canvas but I’ve done a few. Am I thinking that because I’m primarily a linen stitcher? I can do specialty stitches on linen too. I’m truly curious about this. I enjoy the podcasts and the video casts (I usually use YouTube for both)
Cut work on congress cloth is possible, but I’d be hesitant to cut canvas threads on 18 ct. or coarser needlepoint canvas. I think things would go poorly.
I was surprised by your somewhat dismissive ness towards painted canvas versus charted work. My preferred technique is embroidery – surface stitching – but I do most others. I much prefer painted canvas. Rather than spend excessive time counting and flipping between pages and canvas, I can focus on a variety of thread choices and stitch selection
To add oomph to my canvas.
I find painted canvas very relaxing and far more than basket weave. I don’t do black work – too much time
Counting and very little cross stitch
( although I did succumb to Sarah Brazier fever). I have never understood the obsession with geometrics and endless elaborate counted stitches. Aside from color changes, they all look alike from a distance. Now for me the freedom of embroidery and Goldwork is exhilarating.you can preplan the design or simply create as you go.
Lots of stitches, beautiful threads
And the ability to use any fabric – any thread – I live it.
Interesting that you perceived I was being dismissive. I have the utmost respect, and have stated so on numerous occasions, for people who can bring painted canvases to life. In general, though, I’d rather do counted canvas designs. They challenge me and interest me more. I’m with you when it comes to other techniques and have demonstrated so many times. I like to try all kinds of techniques. Thanks for listening and offering your thoughts.