The midweek conversation is between Vonna and Gary, with Sassy Jacks Stitchery sponsoring the show. This week we talk a bit about the Queen’s Sampler Project, sponsored by Sassy Jacks, in preparation for our video update later in the week. We also talk about whitework and determining ground-cloth size. There is no memory of what we talked about for the remaining 45 min. But it was fun. We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did recording it.–Vonna and Gary
Listen to the podcast:
The show is also available on FlossTube. Click here.
Here are some links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Sassy Jacks September Soiree Stitch Retreat
- The Twisted Stitcher website
- Vonna’s Finishing Service page
- The Twisted Stitcher on YouTube
I hope you enjoy this show. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
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My go to person for Band Samplers is Eileen Bennett. She is a wonderful teacher, researcher of samplers and has designed many varieties of band samplers. Consider having her on your show!!
I’ll put her on the list. Thanks.
If I heard you correctly, you mentioned needing a source for tatting threads. I would recommend looking at Handy Hands Tatting, Lacis, or Tatting Corner. All carry tatting threads. Primarily, you are looking for a tightly twisted 6-ply thread that is smooth. Compared to embroidery threads, it is a hard thread.
Thanks. I’ll check it out.