Clare Hunter of Sewing Matters is our guest this week and our sponsor is The Attic Needlework shop. Clare has been an active participant and difference-maker in the greater needlework community for almost all of her life. She has contributed as a community artist on more than one occasion, an exhibition curator, banner maker, teacher, and activist. In this week’s show we learn about her illustrious life and how it led to writing the book “Threads of Life.” In next week’s show, we will learn about the book, how it was put together, and the research and experiences that make up the stories Clare tells.–Gary
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- Sewing Matters website
- Sewing Matters on Instagram
- Threads of Life at Amazon
- The Attic Needlework shop website
I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Clare Hunter. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary
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