The day that begins with a W arrived so Beth and Gary decided to have a chat. After catching up on our stitching activities we found ourselves in a discussion about why we always feel the need to have a project if we’re going to stitch. Why not just stitch? That led to a our reactions to a live Jane Dunnewold Facebook session we attended this past Saturday and a discussion of the element of curiosity in the creative process. We also talked about doodle cloth use, warm-up stitching, and some Gay Ann Rogers thoughts. We enjoyed the conversation and it got our wheels spinning. We hope the same happens to you. Join us and guest Ronnie Rowe tonight for the Fiber Talk Stitch Hour at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on our YouTube channel. Sunday’s guest: Trish Burr-—Beth and Gary
Listen to the podcast:
This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.
Here are some links:
- Download Mary Jane Fry 1861 from Amanda Rowe, The Solitary Stitcher
- Needle in a Haystack page for Springhill SAL kits
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery Cosmo thread club solid colors
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery Cosmo thread club variegated colors
We hope you enjoy this show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
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The discussion about “projects” was very interesting! Pretty much from the start I’ve stitched what I liked without wondering whether it was going to be “for” anything (apart from things like birthday presents or New Baby cards) and I have a whole storage box full of finished embroideries that are never going to be anything, but I will admit that until recently I’ve found it very difficult to stitch anything that wasn’t a picture. I mean, if I wanted to learn or practice or try out a particular stitch I’d find or create a simple design and use that for the purpose.
And then I started the RSN Certificate – and boy do you learn to do sampling then 🙂 ! I have three doodle cloths relating to the Jacobean module and two for the Goldwork module that is still ongoing so who knows how many there will be, and although there are some “part-pictures” on it (half a cat, the petal of a flower, a kangaroo’s front leg) some of it is just trying out stitches and techniques and it looks like nothing on earth. But Gary as you pointed out, that is not “wasted time” which I could have spent on the main project, in a way it is part of the main project, it helps me develop and learn, and in fact the doodle cloths are such an integral part of the Certificate pieces that you hand them in with the main piece for assessment. So I’ve learnt that doodling and sampling is very respectable use of our stitching time 🙂