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Fiber Talk Discusses Scroll Frames and Stitch Paths

Is your technique resulting in the best possible stitches?
Clean holes provide a better appearance when you need to share them with multiple threads.
Thanks to Sassy Jacks Stitchery for sponsoring this first in a series of shows in which we discuss, in depth, various aspects of stitching, as requested by our listeners. This week we talk about the pros, cons, and different types of scroll frames and how/when we use them. Then we move on to our views of the stitch path, i.e., how you approach stitching an element in a project to result in the best stitch structure, cleanest holes, and optimum overall appearance. Note that what we offer is simply our opinion/approach and we only offer these techniques for your consideration when stitching your own projects. There is no right or wrong approach. Stitch your projects the way that gives you the most enjoyment. If what we offer helps, so much the better. We also welcome your reactions and thoughts. In addition, consider supporting Fiber Talk by becoming a Patreon member at Talk.–Beth, Cindy, Gary

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This week’s sponsor is Sassy Jacks Stitchery at
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We hope you enjoy this week’s show and invite you to suggest topic for this series. We’re also always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary

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