Our focus for this first Sunday of Black History Month is Afrocentric needlework and our guest is Deb Rucker of Stitches of Heritage. Sassy Jacks Stitchery is our sponsor and to help recognize Black History Month, Sassy Jacks is offering a free pdf download of the Sassafras Samplers Rosa Parks portrait sampler. To obtain your free copy, go to sassyjacksstitchery.com and scroll down on the home page until you see the image of Rosa Parks. Deb Rucker has extensively studied African American history with a focus on the role needlework has played since slaves were brought to the U.S. She also is an active designer/stitcher of representation artwork that raises awareness of racism in today’s culture. Our conversation and her experiences are educational and extremely enlightening. It was a true pleasure to talk about this important subject with Deb. Toward the end of the conversation, we talk about the websites diversityinstitching.com and lordlibidan.com. They are two websites you should bookmark and diversityirstitching.com is one you should visit frequently. Lots of talent at that site. Huge thanks to Deb for making the time to share her knowledge and experiences with us.–Gary
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Here are some links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Stitches of Heritage on Instagram
- Stitches of Heritage on Facebook
- Diversity in Stitching website
- Lord Libidan skin tone chart