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Fiber Talk with Kelly Lea Teske III

Cross stitch piece by Kelly Lea Teske.
Kelly combines embroidery and yo yo pieces in this textile art.
Kelly Lea Teske returns yet again. But this time, we talked about stitching instead of vision and eyeglasses. We had a great time talking about cross stitch, needlepoint, painted canvases, quilting, her recent quilting talks, rug hooking, slow stitching, English paper piecing, and making and using yo yo pieces. The show got a little long but we were having fun talking about stitching, so we let it roll. Kelly is a talented and versatile textile/needlework artist and you’ll likely learn some things from our conversation. If we did our jobs well, you’ll also be enabled to spend some money. We’re pretty sure we cost Kelly a few dollars.–Beth and Gary

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One of Kelly’s art quilts.
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