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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 8-3-22

Jenifer’s Red February sampler from Sassy Jacks Stitchery.

It’s Wednesday and Jenifer and Gary are chatting. This week’s topics include stitching while watching the Tour de France, the return of Gallery76 tours, Mystery in St. Tropez project, free download from Ann Frank of Crossing Centuries (, Trish Burr copyright infringement (don’t support Alisa Handicrafts on Etsy), Ocean Conservation Namibia, stitching and ergonomics, and adjusting words in samplers. Join us tonight when we return to the Embroiderers Guild Galleries NSW and Gallery76 for a tour of the Goldwork Festival. We start at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on the Fiber Talk YouTube channel. Sunday: Shana Benhayoun of SBT Stitches.–Jenifer and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Join us for the Aug. 3 Fiber Talk Stitch Hour when we travel to Sydney, Australia to tour the Festival of Gold exhibit.

You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Podbay, Podbean, and many other podcast sources. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Here are some links:

We hope you enjoy this show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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Fiber Talk with Ann Frank

Maria K. Barton from Crossing Centuries.
Download Ode to the Gourd, a free chart from Crossing Centuries, at

Ann Frank of Crossing Centuries joins us this week and, to celebrate, she has created “Ode to the Gourd, a free chart for you to download from Ann’s website home page or by going directly to the download page using Ann is a talented “maker” who specializes in basket weaving, cross-stitch designing, and reproducing antique samplers. She loves the primitive style and all of her work and approach to decorating reflects the colors and styles of that genre. She has collected antique samplers for some time and is now balancing her basket weaving with reproducing those samplers so cross stitchers can enjoy her findings. She’s a fascinating artist who has much to offer to the needlework world. Remember to download the free chart and share your finished project so Ann can see how you interpret the design.–Beth and Gary

Listen to the podcast:

This show is also available on YouTube. Click here to view it.

1803 Ohio Farm baskets, woven by Ann Frank.

You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Podbay, Podbean, and many other podcast sources. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Here are some Ann Frank links:

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Ann Frank. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary