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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 11-15-17

It’s midweek chat time. This week Gary cranks about a stocking project that won’t end and Christine shares her stump work success. We also visit the Jane Wood Chilly Hollow blog to learn some things and generally yak at each other about needlework for an hour. We hope you enjoy the conversation. Our Sunday guest: Celeste Chalasani–Gary and Christine

Listen to the podcast:

The podcast is also available on Flosstube.

The Twisted Stitcher’s Finishing Service

Jane Wood’s November Smart Cookie Award

Needle in a Haystack Stretcher Bar videos

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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 9-20-17

Gary’s Shepherd’s Bush stocking finish.
We made our way to the middle of the week once again and that means it’s time for a midweek chat. This week we talk about Gary’s Shepherd’s Bush stocking finish; wrinkled linen; tips from Jane Wood/Coni Rich, Pam Tanner, and Connie Lynn Borserine; and Christine’s abuse of the English language. Our Sunday guest: Mary Legallet.–Gary and Christine

Listen to the podcast:

Links to items mentioned in the show: