Sassy Jacks Stitchery sponsors this week’s show with textile artist Roberta Wagner. Roberta describes herself as an intuitive artist, which means she rarely starts with a plan. “Often, the idea behind my work is not apparent when I am making it. Rather, it’s an idea playing in my unconscious. Maybe it’s about time passage, or memories, what’s hidden from view, or grief. It’s only later, when the work is finished that I understand it.” In our conversation we explore that process and learn about the various materials she uses to create her art. One of the things we learn about is washi paper. You’ll also want to read Roberta’s book, “Come Walk With Me, Exploring Why Art Matters.” Exploring Roberta’s art and her approach to creating it was enlightening and it will make your wheels spin.–Beth and Gary
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Here are some links:
- Sassy Jacks Stitchery website
- Black Swans Studios website
- Roberta Wagner’s website
- Roberta Wagner on Instagram
We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Roberta Wagner. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.
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