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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 1-27-21

Strawberries stitched and finished by Gabriele Olley.

We find ourselves at Wednesday once again. Jenifer and Gary pounded through the topic list this week, talking about a free sampler download from Amanda Rowe, The Solitary Stitcher (Download Mary Jane Fry 1861 at, our next Embroiderers Guild Galleries tour on Feb. 3 (it will be the Festival of Lace exhibition), our Rosewood Manor Springhill SAL (sponsored by Needle in a Haystack), slow stitching, managing and organizing your stash, participating in upcoming challenges, more on making biscornus, and our upcoming live show on Feb. 21 with Emillie Ferris. Sunday’s guest: Hazel Blomkamp-—Jenifer and Gary

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This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Projects by Gabriele Olley.

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