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Fiber Talk Midweek Chat, 4-24-24

Needle book by Tanja Berlin.
It’s a Wednesday so we’re chatting about needlework. Topics this week include our upcoming May 5 show about the work done by the Royal School of Needlework to provide embroidered pieces for the Coronation, needle case kits from Tanja Berlin of Berlin Embroidery, Mary Corbet, museums, Wintertur, goldwork, blackwork, and making linen and specialty threads. You also might enjoy a book Cindy is reading: “Nuts & Bolts” by Roma Arawal. Note that there will be no new show Sunday, April 28. We’ll be back on schedule with a new Stitch Hour Wednesday, May 1.–Cindy and Gary

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This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Anointing screen, created by the RSN for the Coronation.
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We hope you enjoy the show. We’re always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.

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Fiber Talk with Daniel Ravan

Rainbow Gallery threads.

One of the biggest factors making needlework so much fun these days is the wide variety of threads that are available. When it comes to variety and uniqueness, Rainbow Gallery is definitely the leader. This week, in a show sponsored by Sassy Jacks Stitchery ( and Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery (, we talk with Daniel Ravan, CEO of Rainbow Gallery. It’s an insightful discussion into how the company has dealt with the pandemic and the demands it has placed on needlework materials, how Rainbow Gallery produces threads, and what inspires the next offering. It’s always fun to learn about what’s behind the materials we enjoy using and it was enjoyable to learn how Rainbow Gallery produces their products.–Gary

Listen to the podcast:

This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Please support our sponsor, Avlea Mediterranean Folk Embroidery.
Please support our sponsors.

You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podbay, and Podbean. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Here are some Di van Niekerk links:

I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Di van Niekerk. I’m always looking for guests, so let me know if there is someone you’d like me to have on the show.–Gary

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Fiber Talk at the Nashville Market III

Nashville video number seven is about samplers being offered by Merry Wind Farm. Nicola Parkman fills in to show us the highlights of Ellen Spedding and Girls in Blue Dresses.

For our eighth Nashville video we visit Eileen Gurak of Handblessings Patterns to see a number of new designs she’s introducing at the Nashville Market. Several of the designs are stitched on perforated paper, including several new additions to her postage stamp line.

Our ninth video is with Sally London of Rainbow Gallery. Thread lovers will enjoy this tour of a large number of new threads from one of the more creative thread companies in the hobby. We also see some designs by needlepoint designer Kurdy Biggs.