Nicole Neville is a prolific cross stitcher, knits when she needs a break from needle and thread, and has been known to hang one or two of her finished projects on a wall. We enjoy watching her regular FlossTube video updates and thoroughly enjoyed talking with her about stitching and her hobby interests. We hope you enjoy the conversation, too.–Christine and Gary
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Nicole offers two recommendations:
We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Jean Lea. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.–Gary and Christine
Enjoy each podcast and I have listened to them all. Wish you would ask the prolific stitchers what they do with the left-over threads from a major project. Nicole Neville must have a HUGE stash by now.
I like how you ask when the stitchers work and where in the home and how often the stitching takes place. Logistics matter!
Thanks for listening and a good question. I’ll be sure to ask that in future shows.
You asked about what other guests I would like to have on Fiber Talk. I don’t know if she is still available, but Eileen Bennett, who I believe lives in Michigan. Has her own company, “Sampler House” and has done many designs as well as taught classes etc. I really would like to know what she is currently doing.
Thanks for listening. I’ll put Eileen on the list. Had not heard of her. Thanks for the suggestion.
Gary & Christine,
Thank you for your podcasts – I’m loving them! I totally enjoy when you speak with the designers, they have such wonderful creativity and thought processes and I’m so glad they share. But I also like when you speak with “everyday” stitchers like Nicole! I also watch a FlossTuber who goes by Eclectic Possessions – Emilie C. She is about as prolific as Nicole, but has very different taste in designs – although she is starting to get into reproduction samplers. A unique thing about Emilie is that she is totally not afraid to change colors in a piece when a color just doesn’t work for her. Her favorite of mine so far is Death By Cross Stitch by Long Dog Designs. This is designed as a one color piece and is HUGE. But Emilie picked a sort of neutral color for the border and some of the dividing type areas, then is just randomly picking colors for the motifs. She would be an excellent addition to your show!
Thanks for listening and for the suggestion of Emilie C. I’ll definitely spend some time with her videos. Sounds like she would be fun to talk to.